Hazrat Fatimah’s (S.A) Characteristics (Part 1)
Hazrat Fatimah (A.S) was different from all women in her high qualities and noble characteristics that took her to the highest rank of virtue and perfection. She was an example of her father’s morals and mentality. She resembled him in his deep faith in Allah the Almighty, asceticism, and refraining from pleasures of this life. Here, we talk about some of Fatimah’s characteristics:
Fatimah (A.S) was infallible, and this is an indisputable fact. Allah had purified her from every sin and every defect, and endowed her with all virtues to make her an example for all the women of the world. She was an ideal example in faith, worship, chastity, purity, charity, and kindness to the poor and the deprived.
Proofs on her infallibility
1. The verse of purification; Allah has said, (Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House, and to purify you a (thorough) purifying. 33:33).
The People of the House (the Ahl-ul-Bayt) were Ali, Fatimah, Imam Hassan, and Imam Hussein (A.S).
The verse clearly proves the infallibility and purity of these persons from every sin and vices. Allah had chosen these people to be examples for His people and guides to His obedience and pleasances. It is impossible for Allah to give sinners or guilty people this gift.
Infallibility, in its concept, definitely would not be far from the Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S) who were the centers of knowledge and wisdom in Islam. For forty years, I have researched and written books on them, but I could find a slip neither in their sayings nor in their doings. Even their enemies, who were full of grudge against them, did not mention any fault or any bit of deviation about them.
Imam Ali (A.S.) says, ‘By Allah, if I am given the seven districts with all that under their skies to disobey Allah in bran of a grain of barley that I deprive it of a mouth of a locust, I will never do.’
2. The Prophet (A.S) made his entire nation, through his repeated sayings, know that Fatimah (A.S) was a part from him, and that whatever pleased her would please him and whatever displeased her would displease him. That she was a part from the Prophet (A.S) means that she was infallible since the Prophet (A.S) was infallible.
3. The true traditions that were transmitted from the Prophet (A.S.) confirmed that Allah would be pleased for the pleasure of Fatimah (A.S) and would be displeased for her displeasure. These traditions mean that Fatimah (A.S) had reached a degree of faith and piety that would take her to the same rank of the infallible prophets who sincerely obeyed Allah and knew Him as He was.
4. The Prophet (A.S.) compared his progeny to the Book of Allah as in the mutawatir (successive) tradition of “ath-Thaqalayn”, and since the Book of Allah is infallible from any falseness, so are the Ahl-ul-Bayt (A.S); otherwise, the Prophet (A.S) would not compare them to the Book of Allah.
Fatimah (A.S) was at the head of the pure progeny of the Prophet (A.S) and was the mother of all the infallible imams (except Imam Ali) whom Allah had purified from all uncleanness.
Taken from the book called: THE LIFE OF FATIMAH AL-ZAHRA’
- 16/03/13
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