Hazrat Fatimah’s Characteristics (Part 4)
SHAFAQNA- Devotedness
Fatimah (A.S) devoted herself to Allah and resorted to Him totally in all of her affairs. This was clear in her dua’a.
Her dua’a on turning to Allah
Fatimah (A.S) often supplicated Allah with this dua’a,
“O Allah, by Your knowing of the unseen and Your power over the creation, make me live if You know that life is better to me, and make me die if You know that death is better to me.
O Allah, I ask You for loyalty, and for the fear of You in pleasure and in anger, and for economy in wealth and poverty.
O Allah, I ask You for incessant bliss, and ask You for ceaseless delight, and ask You for satisfaction with fate, and ask You for a good life after death, and ask You for the looking at Your Face, and the eagerness to Your meeting without a harming distress or a dark sedition.
O Allah, adorn us with adornment of faith, and make us guided and guides, O You the Lord of the worlds!”
Her dua’a on resorting to Allah
She recited in this dua’a,
“O Allah, make me satisfied with what You have given to me, honor me and give me good health as long as You make me live, forgive me and have mercy on me when You make me die.
O Allah, do not afflict me with asking for what You have not determined for me, and whatever You have determined for me make it easy and accessible.
O Allah, reward my parents for me and whoever has done me a favor with the best of reward.
O Allah, take me to what You have created me for, do not make me busy with what You have already secured to me, do not punish me while I ask You to forgive me, and do not deprive me while I beg You.
O Allah, make me humble to myself, make Your standing great to me, and inspire me with Your obedience and the doing of what pleases You and avoiding what displeases You, O You the most Merciful of the merciful.”
Taken from the book called: THE LIFE OF FATIMAH AL-ZAHRA’
- 16/03/15
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